글러브 (2011)

The Korean movie Glove (2011) is a movie about a baseball team comprised of deaf teenagers.  The reason why I chose this movie was that Koreans are sensitive to disability and find the subject uncomfortable.  Therefore, there are not many movies portraying the disabled as able to entirely function in a society.  Even in this move, Glove, there are parts where one mother strictly forbids her child in joining the team because the child is more abled than the rest of the players.  The stereotypes of disability is quite harsh in the Korean society, because people are afraid of being different or having a unique lifestyle from others.  America is a heterogeneous country, but South Korea is comprised of mostly Koreans.  This fact brings Koreans to be more sensitive towards differences and becoming ‘unfit’.  In the end of the movie, the teenage boys in the team realize the value of playing in a team and hard work.  However, even to conclusion, the movie does not portray the teenage boys as functional in the actual society.

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