For the accessibility evaluation, I decided to evaluate my own route, from Dobbs University Center to the Goizueta Buiness School.  The reason why I chose my own route was because I wanted to see the downsides of my analysis and research.  Surprisingly, there were many more flaws than I thought.

First was the length of each of the routes.  Although the ‘accessible’ route had its benefits, its negative was that the route takes much more time.  It is true that the disabled would feel more at ease, but the specific route takes up more time than the ‘inaccessible’ route.  In all, in order to receive accessibility, one needs to give up time.

After carefully taking both routes to evaluate, there was one factor that I did not identify in the first analysis.  I have previously stated that the accessible route is flat and smooth, since it is on the main road.  However, there are downsides to the main road.  Not only do automobiles and smokers cause an air pollution on the main road, but there also is all different types of noise from people, cars, hospitals, and many more.  In all, the ‘accessible’ route is much more hectic than the ‘inaccessible’ route.

These downsides are ones that cannot be ignored when talking about an accessibility of a route. Although the ‘accessible’ route was built for those that are disabled, there are many more factors to consider to label the road accessible.

I have tried to analyze the accessibility of the female bathroom on the second floor of Harris Hall.  There were many factors to observe, but I have organized few of the most important ones.
First, the entrance of the bathroom was scrutinized.  The bathroom is easy to enter, because one merely needs to push the door. However, the problem is opening the door from the inside.  The door is fairly heavy, so one needs to put quite amount of strength and pull the door in order to leave.

The location of the bathroom was a plus, too.  The bathroom was relatively close to the elevator of the building, and the proximity will help those with a mobile disability.

The stalls of the bathroom is quite narrow, making it impossible for those with wheelchairs to fit.  On top of that, there is not a stall created for the disabled.

In all, the girl’s bathroom in Harris Hall second floor is not an accessible bathroom for those that are disabled.

I have chosen to analyze two different routes from the Dobbs University Center to the Goizueta Business School.  I have chosen these two locations because they are two of the biggest centers on the Emory main campus.  There were two routes that I have found: accessible and inaccessible.
Route #1:
This route was the ‘fastest’ route from the DUC to the business school.  This route is from the main entrance of DUC to the main entrance of the business school.  Although an abled body may have facility in using this route, there were several problems to this route.  First, there were several steep hills along the way.  There was one in front of the Cox Building, and one in front of the business school.  Also, there are numerous different types of mobile along this route.  Not only are there big trucks, but there are also fast carts that roam around this route.

Route #2:
This route is the more accessible route.  This route is from the back entrance of the DUC to the side entrance of the business school.  Not only is this route fairly straight, but there also are plenty of different accessible facilities (including the ramps for the wheel chairs).  There are also many advantages, including the fact that this road is on the main Clifton road.  Although this route takes a little more time, it is definitely the more accessible route.

The building is located on top of a small hill from the main campus.  In order to get to the Goizueta Business School building, one must climb up this hill, which might be problematic for those with limited mobility.  When entering the business school area, there are multiple entrances, and those with accessibility for those who may be disabled.  Each main door has a device where one does not need to open the door physically, but with a push of a button.  However, there are plenty of entrances and facilities that are bound to stairs, and those without ramps.  Another plus factor is the fact that it is on the main road near the entrance of the campus.  Although it is far from the rest of the facilities of Emory University, the Goizueta Business School is located on the main road, making it easy to find and access the area.